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Movie Review: Kiss The Ground


Last school year, one of my teachers had our class watch the movie, Kiss The Ground. This film presents a rather simple way to combat climate change. It has to do with making our soil healthy again. Modern agriculture and use of pesticides has killed off important microorganisms that are key for healthy soil. The solution is something called biosequestration, which is a way of capturing carbon in the soil. It's all part of a process that would make the soil, plants, trees, and the food we grow and eat healthier.

The actor Woody Harrelson narrates the film, saying early on that he has "given up" hope that humans will do what it takes to save the planet. That's understandable. News about climate change can make us feel like we are doomed. But there are solutions that can help reverse the cycle, and if there are solutions, there is hope. Kiss The Ground is an awakening and shows how something overlooked, like our soil, might actually be the answer to a healthier planet.

I give Kiss The Ground a rating of 3.5 out of 4 stars and recommend CGP readers watch the film. Some of my classmates commented that the tone was dramatic and intense, but a serious topic calls for a serious tone. It is also one of the best ways to keep people's attention. In the end, Kiss The Ground is a movie that leaves viewers feeling optimistic that together we can create a cleaner greener planet.

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