This article explains how arid parts of the world where water and climate fluctuations are being felt more severely, such as Israel, are coming up with ways to combat it.
One startling fact from the article is that nearly 4 billion people experience extreme water scarcity for at least one month out of each year due to the climate crisis. Not only is water as
a whole becoming more and more scarce, but fresh drinking water has also become a huge issue worldwide.
Many people in developing countries have to buy bottled water, unless they are able to install expensive water filtration systems in their homes. This is another global crisis, and access to clean drinking water should not be something anybody has to worry about. Facing this reality, we will need to find innovate ways to conserve water and bring new sources online, such as the desalination of ocean water. This is something Israel has done very well. While Israel is more than half desert, the country actually has a water surplus!
Reading this article gave me hope that we will find solutions, so I wanted to share it with our readers. It excites me to learn about these projects that help millions of people. I hope that in reading this article, you become inspired to think outside the box and take action towards helping others in need. Stay hopeful, stay positive! If we work together to protect our resources, the future will be bright.