American consumers use more than 35 billion plastic water bottles every year. That's 35 BILLION with a B! That is about 105 water bottles per American! Worse, over 8 billion tons of plastic end up in the ocean every year. This has to change!
But let's be realistic. Sometimes we find ourselves in a bind. We're busy and dehydrated and need to buy a bottle of water. Maybe you're traveling and there are no water fountains around. Or maybe you forgot your refillable water bottle, or had an extra long practice after school and desperately need some water before you get home. But you just hate buying plastic water bottles, even if you are in a place where they recycle. What do you do?
There are water companies that work hard to minimize their environmental impact and operate carbon neutral. Below is a list of 5 companies that work toward sustainability. The common factor is none of these companies use plastic! Today, you can find non-plastic options in most local grocery and convenience stores. None of us are perfect, but overall, the goal is to make the best choices you can....reduce, reuse, and recycle....and try to always, "Say No To Plastic!"