Practicing Kindness Helps Change the World for the Better
Want to be the best version of yourself? Want to be someone who helps others feel good about themselves? Want to be a positive presence...
Want to be the best version of yourself? Want to be someone who helps others feel good about themselves? Want to be a positive presence...
One of the most powerful tools we have to help make positive change is our vote. The people we chose to represent us in government make...
When it comes to sustainable companies that support the environment, I don't know that there is a better example than Patagonia. When he...
Want a career in an environmental field one day? I do, too. So I decided to learn more about what sort of jobs there are available for...
This is an interesting TED Talk about the Mongolian nomadic culture and what we can learn from their way of life. Khulan Batkhuyag is a...
Last week, my friends and I from the local chapter of Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots Club, held a campus cleanup. Bags in hand, gloves on,...
No matter where you are in the world, you can create positive change. Summer is the perfect time to get outside and do something good for...
I am happy to announce that it has been 3 years since we launched Cleaner Greener Planet. Earth Day, every April 22, is the day we...
It is important to have a positive relationship with the earth, but also with your own mind. Oftentimes in our world of constant...
While the changes we see in our everyday lives may be daunting, it is important to stay positive and remind ourselves that good things...
I was fortunate enough to meet unequivocally one of the most selfless givers of our time. In September, I was volunteering for Action in...
This summer, I was fortunate enough to attend Elizabeth Kolbert's presentation in Aspen, Colorado. She is an environmental writer for The...
Not only is eating green helping move us toward a more sustainable future, it can also completely change our way of life. Often times, we...
This article explains how arid parts of the world where water and climate fluctuations are being felt more severely, such as Israel, are...
During this past month at Mercersburg Academy, a tree planting event was held. I was fortunate enough to attend, and loved that it gave...
Dear CGP Readers, It was just over two years ago we started Cleaner Greener Planet. Our first post on April 11, 2021, explained our...
How are we supposed to trust our leaders today, when again and again, they go back on their promises? This week we saw another sad...
American consumers use more than 35 billion plastic water bottles every year. That's 35 BILLION with a B! That is about 105 water bottles...
While it may often seem like there is no hope for the environment and that no progress is being made, if you look past the doom and...
Last school year, one of my teachers had our class watch the movie, Kiss The Ground. This film presents a rather simple way to combat...